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Key Data

  • 597

    NPQ Registrations

  • 1036

    Early Career Teachers & Mentors

  • 274

    ITT Associate Teachers

School-led, Transformative,
Excellence in Partnership


Shropshire and Telford Education Partnership (STEP)

Alliance of Leading Learning (ALL) is pleased to announce they will be working in partnership with previous local NPQ deliverers Salop and Severn to deliver quality NPQs across Shropshire and Telford.


The headline benefits for schools using NPQs in their PD plans are that they:

  • support the development of your teams in specialist areas (ie Literacy, Behaviour and Culture)
  • support the development of leadership skills in your teams
  • support school improvement - giving your staff access to the best research and the key terminology of the Golden Thread movement.
  • Plus, they are fully funded by the Department for Education with additional payment directly to your schools if you have less than 600 pupils.

Ultimately NPQs provide an effective route to improved outcomes for your work-based practice and your Children and Young People.

The course is enabling me to understand how projects, changes and training should be implemented. With this knowledge I have been able to assess the training that our school is providing … and the course is helping me to hone my knowledge and become more confident. I value what the course is teaching me… not just for delivering CPD or projects.” Participant on NPQLTD 2023

To find further information on programmes please click here 


Which NPQ?

Which NPQ?

The reformed suite of NPQs is available for teachers and leaders in Shropshire and Telford who want to develop their knowledge and skills in specialist areas of teaching practice. There are:

  • 5 leadership NPQs in Senior Leadership, Headship,Executive Leadership, Early Years Leadership and SEND
  • 5 NPQs for teachers and leaders who want to develop their expertise in specialist areas of teaching practice (Leading Primary Maths, Leading Literacy, Leading Behaviour and Culture, Leading Teaching and Leading Teacher Development)


  • All programmes last between 12 and 18 months.


How will I be assessed?

Formative assessment takes place throughout the programme, helping you to understand the progress you are making, and facilitators to adapt your learning experiences.

There are two success criteria for the successful completion of your course:

• Participation in at least 90% of the course

• Successfully pass the summative case study assessment

The summative assessment requires you to answer three questions in response to a case study.  The assessment will give you the opportunity to demonstrate how you would deploy the knowledge, skills and understanding gained through the NPQ to lead and implement a specific aspect of change. The assessment windows are set at the start of your course and there is an 8-day period to complete the assessment.

Length of the Summative Assessments

Specialist Programmes (NPQLTD, NPQLT, NPQLBC, NPQLL) – 1500 words

NPQSL and NPQEYL – 2000 words

NPQH and NPQEL – 2500 words

For further information on programmes please click here 

Specialist Programmes (12 months)

NPQ in Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD) 

The NPQLTD is available for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers in their school. This may be responsibility for the development of all teachers across a school or specifically trainees or ECTs.  

The aim of the NPQLTD is to provide teachers with essential knowledge, skills and concepts that underpin successful leadership of teacher development. 

Following completion of the NPQLTD, participants will have covered the four areas:  

  • Teaching 
  • Designing Effective Professional Development 
  • Delivering Effective Professional Development 
  • Implementation 

Read the full Leading Teacher Development framework here. 


NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC)

The NPQLBC is available for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading behaviour and/or supporting pupil wellbeing in their school. 

The aim of the NPQLBC is to provide evidence which underpins successful leadership of behaviour and culture and provides participants with an understanding of how to put new approaches into practice.  

Following completion of the NPQLBC, participants will have covered the following six areas: 

  • Teaching 
  • School Culture 
  • Enabling Conditions for Good Behaviour 
  • Complex Behavioural Needs 
  • Professional Development 
  • Implementation 

Read the full Leading Behaviour and Culture framework here. 

NPQ in Leading Teaching (NPQLT)

The NPQLT is available for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase. 

The aim of the NPQLT is to provide the participant with expertise and approaches that, through working with their colleagues, enable their school to keep improving, and contribute to a culture in which staff and pupils are all able to thrive.  

Following completion of the NPQLT, participants will have covered the following nine areas: 

  • Teaching 
  • School Culture 
  • How Pupils Learn 
  • Subject and Curriculum 
  • Classroom Practice 
  • Adaptive Teaching 
  • Assessment 
  • Professional Development 
  • Implementation 

Read the full Leading Teaching framework here. 

NPQ in Leading Literacy (NPQLL)

Leading Literacy for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading literacy across a school, year group, key stage or phase in their school.

The aim of the NPQLL is to provide teachers with essential knowledge, skills and concepts that underpin successful leadership of Literacy.

Following completion of the NPQLL, participants will have covered the following areas:

• Teaching
• Developing language
• Developing reading
• Developing writing
• Professional development
• Implementation

Read the full Leading Literacy framework here.

Read the NPQLL Programme Guide here.


NPQ in Leading Primary Maths (NPQLPM)

Leading Primary Mathematics  for school leaders and teachers to support the effective teaching of mathematics and learn how to use mastery approaches and teach maths effectively.

The aim of the NPQLPM is to provide teachers with essential knowledge, skills and concepts that underpin successful leadership of primary maths.

Following completion of the NPQLPM, participants will have covered the following areas:

  • Developing primary mathematics
  • Teaching
  • School culture
  • How pupils learn
  • Subject and curriculum
  • Classroom practice
  • Adaptive teaching
  • Assessment
  • Professional Development
  • Effective implementation

Read the full Leading Primary Maths framework here.


Leadership Programmes (18 Months)


The DfE has announced that an NPQ for SENCOs will launch in autumn 2024 and will be the mandatory qualification for SENCOs. More detail is available  here .

 We are delighted to announce that STEP and the Alliance of Leading Learning will be delivering the new NPQ for SENCOs and will begin delivery from October 2024. We are busy preparing everything needed for the recruitment and delivery of this programme and will provide regular updates. As a reminder, the framework for this programme can be found here

If you are interested in this qualification and would like to be kept informed, please express an interest by completing our short form here


NPQ in Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL)

The NPQEYL is available for leaders qualified to at least Level 3 with a full and relevant qualification who are, or are aspiring to be, managers of Private, Voluntary and Independent nurseries, headteachers of school-based and maintained nurseries, or childminders with leadership responsibilities.

The aim of the NPQEYL is to provide teachers with essential knowledge, skills and concepts that underpin successful leadership of Early Years Leadership.

Following completion of the NPQEYL, participants will have covered the following areas:

• Culture
• Child development, curriculum and assessment
• Additional and special educational needs
• Professional development
• Organisational management
• Working in partnership
• Implementation

Read the full Early Years Leadership framework here.

Read the NPQEYL Programme Guide here.


NPQ in Senior Leadership (NPQSL)

The NPQSL is available for teachers who are, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities. 

The aim of the NPQSL is to enable participants to develop the relevant expertise and provide approaches to enable continuous improvement across the school.  

Following completion of the NPQSL, participants will have covered the following ten areas: 

  • School Culture 
  • Teaching 
  • Curriculum and Assessment 
  • Behaviour 
  • Additional and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 
  • Professional Development 
  • Organisation Management 
  • Implementation 
  • Working in Partnership 
  • Governance and Accountability 

Read the full Senior Leadership framework here. 


NPQ in Headship 

The NPQH is available for those who are, or are aspiring to be, a headteacher or head of school with responsibility for leading a school; or for those who are a headteacher or head of school with responsibility for leading a school and are in the first 24 months of headship. 

The aim of the NPQH is to enable participants to gain an understanding of the expertise and approaches required to set an ambitious vision for their school, as well as learning how to establish a culture where staff and pupils can thrive. 

Following completion of the NPQSL, participants will have covered the following ten areas: 

  • School Culture 
  • Teaching 
  • Curriculum and Assessment 
  • Behaviour 
  • Additional and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 
  • Professional Development 
  • Organisational Management 
  • Implementation 
  • Working in Partnership 
  • Governance and Accountability 

Read the full Headship framework here.


NPQ in Executive Leadership 

The NPQEL is available for those who are, or are aspiring to be, and executive headteacher or have a school trust CEO role with responsibility for leading several schools.  

The aim of the NPQEL is to develop flexible expertise than participants can use to respond to challenges in a range of contexts, as well as being able to identify and address persistent and common school leadership challenges.

Following completion of the NPQEL, participants will have covered the following ten areas: 

  • Trust Culture 
  • Teaching 
  • Curriculum and Assessment 
  • Behaviour 
  • Additional and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 
  • Professional Development 
  • Organisation Management 
  • Implementation 
  • Working in Partnership 
  • Governance and Accountability 

Read the full Executive Leadership framework here. 

Frequently Asked Questions


The new NPQs support the ‘Golden Thread’ by providing leaders in schools with a common language based around high-quality evidence underpinning the support, training and development available through the entirety of a teacher's career.


NPQs are available for teachers and leaders who want to develop their knowledge and skills in school leadership and specialist areas of teaching practice (so you don’t have to have QTS to take part in an NPQ)


Our next tranche of programmes will commence in October 2024 and April 2025.  Delivery will be within Shropshire and Telford for all 10 programmes (subject to demand).


Yes if your circumstances change and you need to discuss a deferral to restart at a later date please get in touch. If you need to withdraw you just need to be aware that the DfE will not provide funding for your place on the same NPQ a second time.


The new programmes focus participants on gaining knowledge and application of the framework and participants are tested on this through an ‘open-book’ case study assessment. The idea being that leaders can implement ideas only when they feel it is appropriate to their setting thereby ensuring genuine impact. 

What our participants say:

NPQLT (Leading Teaching)

‘I have been pleased with the format of the learning, I have found everything accessible.  I was concerned about finding time to complete this training whilst having a young family but so far I am finding the correct work-life balance.’


NPQLBC (Leading Behaviour and Culture)

‘I am enjoying the research element of the course as I feel I am gaining an insightful understanding into different cultures of behaviour and making reference to highly recommended sources.’


NPQLTD (Leading Teacher Development)

‘I believe that I have grown as a leader in terms of confidence and self-efficacy.  My knowledge of science of learning has enabled me to voice the rationale behind my strategy confidentially to my department’


NPQSL (Senior Leaders)

‘The learning has been really good and fits around my hectic school and home schedule.  The information provided along with the summaries has certainly helped me access the materials at my own pace.  The F2F sessions and webinars have been excellent.’


NPQH (Headship)

‘Great expertise and support provided, webinars are a great way of both networking and listening to real-life experience which I feel adds more context to strategies and ways of thinking provided.’


NPQEL (Executive Leaders)

‘I feel like I am looking at my leadership from a different view point and I have felt a growing confidence as a leader.  The reasons for this are:  increasing knowledge, support from facilitators, and reassurance from learning that what I have done is right.’


Scholarship funding for autumn 2024  (Update 21/03/2024)

Funding for autumn 2024 will target those teachers and leaders who work in the most challenging schools or educational settings, serving more disadvantaged communities. 

Scholarship funding to cover the full NPQ course cost will be available to teachers and leaders from: 

  • the 50% of schools with the highest proportion of students who attract pupil premium funding 
  • 16 to 19 educational settings identified as having high disadvantage 

For the early years leadership NPQ, highly disadvantaged early years settings will also be eligible.    

Scholarships will continue to be available to all teachers and leaders from publicly funded schools and 16 to 19 educational organisations for the following NPQs: 

  • leading primary maths  
  • SENCO  
  • headship  

For the early headship coaching offer, funding to cover the course fees will be available if you are in your first 5 years of headship in England in a state-funded school or state-funded 16 to 19 organisation. You should also be doing or have done the headship NPQ.  

For full details on funding eligibility please go to the DfE Website here.

For further information on programmes and to start your application please click here 


Why choose STEP as your local NPQ provider?

To make an informed choice you need to ask:

  • Is this led by an established current licence provider with a tangible record of success both nationally and internationally?
  • Is this supported by the robust infrastructure of the new Teaching School Hub for Shropshire and Telford?
  • Are the facilitators delivering the programme exemplary school leaders who are highly skilled and quality assured in the advanced facilitation competencies?
  • Do they work with an extended partnership beyond the school network to ensure the training is world class?
  • Will they provide a credible professional learning journey beyond the NPQ through a range of programmes available at every level?
  • Will they deliver cutting edge leadership programmes underpinned by national and international research?
  • Will they provide value for money and invest in quality face to face training, on line support and additional support sessions?
  • Have they got evidence of real impact back in the workplace?     
  • Do they invest in the learning experience of the individual through flexible opportunities to access training locally, with the NPQH and NPQEL being delivered through quality hotel residentials?
  • Do they have an excellent reputation for customer care and treat you as an individual –supporting and tracking your progress and offering support and guidance when needed?
  • Does feedback bear testament to a high quality professional learning experience and one that past and present participants  would recommend to a professional colleague.

At the “Alliance of Leading Learning” we are confident the answer to these questions is a resounding “YES”!

Still not sure?

  • We bring you local delivery by exemplary local leaders
  • We have a highly experienced expert facilitation team who bring the content to life through engaging face-to-face delivery
  • Our delivery is monitored by Quality assurance processes ensuring that participants receive excellent support and guidance
  • We have a dedicated team who are on hand to respond to phone calls and emails


Don’t take our word for it…

Here is what participants say about the impact these programmes are having:

NPQLBC – ‘I have seen a remarkable improvement in behaviour throughout year 11. They have been more compliant and more focused on work. I have led the tutors and staff in supporting students into the exam period. We have received good feedback from students and parents/carers 

NPQLTD – ‘I believe that I have grown as a leader in terms of confidence and self-efficacy. My knowledge of science of learning has enabled me to voice the rationale behind my strategy confidently to my department, who seem to be very positive about the implementation of retrieval practice.’


Delivery in Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin

NPQLT/ NPQBC / NPQLTD / NPQLL / NPQEYL / NPQSL  programmes will be delivered locally in Shropshire and Telford with sessions being no further than an hour from your school.  We may expand delivery subject to demand.

The NPQH and NPQEL will continue to be delivered centrally as residentials at a quality 4 – star hotel in Nantwich – with easy access from both the M6 and Crewe station.


click here for more information.


Register for an NPQ

Applications for our February 2024 window are now closed.  

We will be launching our next tranche of NPQ programmes in October 2024. Whilst we wait the outcome from the Department of Education with regards to the funding of the programmes, you can start an application to secure a place - please click here .


If you have any queries please contact:

Gemma Hargreaves, NPQ Strategic Lead


Telephone: 01691 664445